李佳岭1, 李龙保1, 廖宗文2, 刘天增1, 张巨明1*,*

The effect of different super absorbent polymer applying layer on turf growth and soil water and fertility
LI Jia-ling1, LI Long-bao1, LIAO Zong-wen2, LIU Tian-zeng1, ZHANG Ju-ming1
图1 土壤7.5和20 cm深度处各处理土壤体积含水量图中同一日期用不同字母表示0.05水平差异显著。下同。
Fig.1 Soil volumetric water content of different treatments at depth of 7.5 and 20 cmDifferent letters in the same date mean significant difference at P <0.05 level.The same below.